1. Why Separate UI and Logic in Unreal Engine Match-3 Games?

In Unreal Engine, building scalable and maintainable Match-3 games relies heavily on separating UI (User Interface) and Logic. This practice ensures clear boundaries between how your game works and how it looks, offering numerous benefits:

  • Modularity: You can easily modify the logic without altering the UI, or vice versa.
  • Testing Efficiency: Game logic can be tested independently of UI elements.
  • Collaboration: Developers and designers can work on logic and UI concurrently without stepping on each other’s toes.

For a genre as dynamic as Match-3, where players expect smooth feedback and rapid interactions, decoupling these elements is a must for ensuring seamless gameplay.

2. Unreal Engine Architecture for Separation

Unreal Engine’s structure, with its Blueprints and C++, is perfectly suited for decoupling UI and logic. Here’s how to implement the separation using Unreal’s key features:

Game Logic (C++)

Handles the core game mechanics, such as tile matching, board management, and scoring.

UI Logic (UMG)

Manages player interactions and visual feedback, such as animations, tile displays, and scoreboards.

Communication (Events & Delegates)

Bridges the gap between logic and UI, enabling seamless updates to the user interface without tightly coupling it to the underlying mechanics.

3. Implementation: Modular Code and Blueprints

Below is an advanced implementation for a Match-3 game in Unreal Engine, showcasing modularity and scalability.

Game Logic: Match3GameManager.h (C++)

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Match3GameManager.generated.h"

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnTilesMatched, const TArray<FIntPoint>&, MatchedTiles);

class MATCH3GAME_API AMatch3GameManager : public AActor


    UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Game Events")
    FOnTilesMatched OnTilesMatched;

    void InitializeBoard(int32 Rows, int32 Columns);
    bool CheckForMatches();
    void ClearMatchedTiles(const TArray<FIntPoint>& MatchedTiles);
    void FillEmptyTiles();

    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Game Logic")
    TArray<int32> GetBoardState() const;

    int32 Rows;
    int32 Columns;
    TArray<int32> Board; // Flat array representing the game board.
    int32 GetTileIndex(int32 Row, int32 Col) const;

Game Logic: Match3GameManager.cpp (C++)

#include "Match3GameManager.h"
#include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"

    Rows = 8;
    Columns = 8;

void AMatch3GameManager::InitializeBoard(int32 InRows, int32 InColumns)
    Rows = InRows;
    Columns = InColumns;
    Board.SetNum(Rows * Columns);

    for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Board.Num(); ++Index)
        Board[Index] = FMath::RandRange(1, 5); // Random tile types (1-5).

bool AMatch3GameManager::CheckForMatches()
    TArray<FIntPoint> MatchedTiles;

    // Horizontal matches.
    for (int32 Row = 0; Row < Rows; ++Row)
        for (int32 Col = 0; Col < Columns - 2; ++Col)
            int32 Index1 = GetTileIndex(Row, Col);
            int32 Index2 = GetTileIndex(Row, Col + 1);
            int32 Index3 = GetTileIndex(Row, Col + 2);

            if (Board[Index1] == Board[Index2] && Board[Index1] == Board[Index3])
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row, Col);
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row, Col + 1);
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row, Col + 2);

    // Vertical matches.
    for (int32 Col = 0; Col < Columns; ++Col)
        for (int32 Row = 0; Row < Rows - 2; ++Row)
            int32 Index1 = GetTileIndex(Row, Col);
            int32 Index2 = GetTileIndex(Row + 1, Col);
            int32 Index3 = GetTileIndex(Row + 2, Col);

            if (Board[Index1] == Board[Index2] && Board[Index1] == Board[Index3])
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row, Col);
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row + 1, Col);
                MatchedTiles.Emplace(Row + 2, Col);

    if (MatchedTiles.Num() > 0)
        return true;
    return false;

void AMatch3GameManager::ClearMatchedTiles(const TArray<FIntPoint>& MatchedTiles)
    for (const FIntPoint& Tile : MatchedTiles)
        int32 Index = GetTileIndex(Tile.X, Tile.Y);
        Board[Index] = 0; // Clear matched tiles (0 represents empty).

void AMatch3GameManager::FillEmptyTiles()
    for (int32 Col = 0; Col < Columns; ++Col)
        for (int32 Row = Rows - 1; Row >= 0; --Row)
            int32 Index = GetTileIndex(Row, Col);
            if (Board[Index] == 0)
                Board[Index] = FMath::RandRange(1, 5); // Refill with new random tiles.

TArray<int32> AMatch3GameManager::GetBoardState() const
    return Board;

int32 AMatch3GameManager::GetTileIndex(int32 Row, int32 Col) const
    return Row * Columns + Col;

UI Layer: TileWidget (UMG Blueprint)

  1. Create a Widget Blueprint for tiles, e.g., TileWidget.
  2. Bind the tile’s visual appearance (color, icon) to its type using the Blueprint graph.

Game Controller: Managing Logic-UI Communication (Blueprint)

  • Use the OnTilesMatched delegate from AMatch3GameManager to trigger UI updates.
  • Call GetBoardState to refresh the visual board whenever the game logic changes.

4. Advantages of the Unreal Approach


  • Event-Driven Updates: Delegates ensure efficient communication between logic and UI.
  • Scalability: The modular setup allows easy addition of new features like power-ups or tile effects.
  • Performance: C++ offers robust performance for handling large game boards.


  • Initial Setup: Requires understanding of Unreal’s event system and C++ workflows.
  • Complexity: Balancing performance and maintainability in large-scale games.

5. Conclusion

Separating UI and logic in Unreal Engine Match-3 games is crucial for building robust and scalable projects. By leveraging Unreal’s C++ for logic and UMG for UI, you can create a clean, modular architecture that simplifies development and enhances collaboration.

This approach may require additional effort upfront, but the long-term benefits in terms of scalability, maintainability, and team efficiency make it an indispensable strategy for professional game developers.

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